Tuesday, November 27, 2018

News article

Writ 1301
Haley Ricker
Clara Bisel
Natural disasters cause many problems but they also teach us things. Animals have reportedly acted strangely before disasters for centuries but it’s very difficult to prove scientifically. Part of the difficulty stems from the fact that animals are animals and don’t always do things the way humans do. Another has to do with behavior, it’s very difficult to give quantitative values to actions. Despite a lack of scientific proof there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence about strange behaviors across many species. The article suggests that because animals have stronger senses such as smell in dogs they perceive things we can’t,  “they may be able to smell changes in the air before natural disasters”(dilonardo). It’s very likely the small changes could warn and protect them. Although there is definite evidence about animal senses it’s difficult to know how animals use them.

The article sites many different sources to help support the claim of a sixth sense in animals. The more definite facts come from research studies done by scientists while the overwhelming number of real world examples come from regular people in today’s world and throughout history. The article seeks to answer an important question but currently there is no perfect answer just hypotheses about animals and their abilities. Luckily for those doing research animals all over the world have reportedly predicted disasters of many types. If scientists can find a way to prove and record animal reactions animals could help provide advanced warning in the future.

This article does an excellent job of giving information clearly and correctly. Even though a lot of evidence comes from people the article tells the reader how first hand accounts can be faulty. The article also uses various types of evidence from different studies and animals. Anyone could read understand what points are made by the author about animal abilities. People with pets or who have seen firsthand animal reactions can relate the evidence and curiosity around animals.

Generally the article raises a good question but ultimately answers a different one. Although questioning if animals have an additional sense the answer remains inconclusive biased on evidence and analysis written by the author. That being said, the article does give reasonable theories about strange behaviors. The possibility that animals don’t react as much or as strongly as has been documented and that humans are unintentionally creating evidence.
Although interesting this idea is also virtually impossible to prove sciencetifically. Another idea the article mentions is that the animals don’t have an extra sense but instead are just using senses stronger than our own. The numerical evidence definitely helps prove this suggestion is more likely.

Dilonardo , Mary Jo. “Do Animals Have a Sixth Sense about Natural Disasters?” Mnn.com, 11 Oct. 2018, www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/stories/do-animals-have-sixth-sense-about-disasters.


  1. I have also heard many stories about the animals' ability to predict disasters so I find this topic really interesting. I really like the title of the essay "6?". At first I thought it was a typo or a draft but then as I read more, I realized it was talking about a sixth sense. Good work!

  2. I found this article review very interesting because I have never put much thought into this theory. The point that I found most interesting was the fact that scientists have a very hard time proving this and that most of the information comes from first hand experience. I'm interested to know if researchers will be able to find out more about this theory.

  3. I think this article and your response is very intriguing. When I was younger I spent a lot of time on Native American reservations and learned some of their culture, the tribe nearest to me (the Laguna pueblo) has said this exact same thing about animals predicting changes in weather and natural disasters. I think it's fascinating to see scientists start to study and prove things Native Americans have known for thousands of years.

  4. I find this excerpt super interesting, simply because one of the things that human kind has yet to grasp and may never will is communication with and the actions of animals. It is a difficult concept to grasp that there is life on earth that we simply don't have the ability to communicate with or completely understand, and furthermore it makes me wonder what natural signs these animals are using to "predict" these natural disasters.
