Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Other Corner of the Internet

When people think of the internet, what generally gets brought into their minds? Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube? Although those are only a fraction of a millionth of how much content the internet has, people often overlook many great platforms. One such platform is called Reddit, which has an infinite variety of topics from politics and news to memes. People should look into Reddit more because it not only contains humorous entertainment for when you’re bored or waiting, but also features such as “life hacks” that make your lives so much simpler and cheaper.

“What’s the smartest way you have cheated on a test,” asked an internet user. “I spent the week before memorizing all the information that the test would cover, worked like a charm.” Another responded with “That’s not cheating!” Wooosh. This is an example of an entertaining humorous subreddit on the platform titled r/wooosh. Wooosh is an onomatopoeia used to denote when a joke or comment has gone over someone’s head on the internet. Buried in huge social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter, Reddit is often buried under them, though the often-overlooked platform has over 300 million active monthly users. Their topics range anywhere from memes, homework help, bodybuilding, or just food.

So many interesting things that you may not even think about can be learned. I once learned on reddit that you can drop Alkaline batteries on a table, seeing if they are good or bad. If they give one small bounce and fall right over, they’re good. If they bounce around more than that, they’re dead. The science is that the electrolyte gel in Alkaline battery dampens the bounce. Since then, I have never once needed to buy one of those voltmeters from Amazon; I never have to ponder about whether my TV remote’s broken, or the battery in it is dead.

On the other hand, I have learned that no one thinks about you as much as you think they do. No one else knows what they’re doing either. Of course, a neurosurgeon knows what they’re doing because they have been through school for years and have learned how to perform surgery. The point is, no one ever teaches you how to go about life, and focusing on needing to it is futile, so you have to live life your own way. It’s liberating to accept that for a lot of people and. It makes life so much easier when you’re trying something new. As the Italian proverb states, “after the game, the king and pawn go into the same exact box.”

If there is one thing to be learned on Reddit, it is a unique corner of the internet that people often overlook. To all casual college students, fitness connoisseurs, or master chefs, whether you’re too lazy to get up and go find your battery storage, or you need help on chemistry homework, the people on Reddit have your back. Because chances are, a small portion of the 300 million other active monthly users are probably working on chemistry homework as well.


  1. It's great that you didn't chose something mainstream as your corner of the internet. Although I have never actually been on Reddit, your blog motivates me to find out more about it. I really liked how you included examples of things you learned from Reddit; I did not know that you can test Alkaline batteries by dropping them on the table. Nice work!

  2. I really enjoyed reading about your favorite corner of the internet. I use Reddit as well and love all the content that it contains. Like you stated in your writing it has almost everything you could think of. I thought your review was very well written and I think you focused on all the main thing Reddit has to offer. Very well done!

  3. It was fun to read about your view on reddit and how you utilize it. I am also a big fan of the platform and use it for similar things like memes, sports, and advice. I think its crazy how much time and effort people put into their posts on reddit considering they aren't getting paid but it is definitely admirable.
