Monday, October 1, 2018

Waking up on the ground surrounded by strangers shouting at me was definitely not the way I had expected my day to go. The last thing I remembered was my vision being blurry, not even moments before I fainted. I could hear my mom frantically speaking on the phone in the background whilst everyone around me bombarded me with questions. “Did you hit your head?”, “have you eaten anything today”, and “has this happened to you before?” were the main questions I had received. Struggling to answer what felt like more of an interrogation at this point, I couldn’t help but feel confused as to what had happened before I woke up. Obviously, I had figured that I had passed out but had no idea why, as I had felt 100% the entire morning. I couldn’t really remember exactly what happened. At that moment after waking up, I felt normal, but had a bit of a headache. My mom, who I had since learned was on the phone with 911, explained that I did indeed faint and that the ambulance was on its way. If I had known then what I know now, that morning would have gone a lot differently.


  1. This writing pulls me in from the first sentence. I expected at the end to have my questions answered, but even then, the story leaves with a killer cliff hanger! Although I left feeling unsatisfied in the best of ways, I loved the story. It was very entertaining and made me feel confused like the character of the story.

  2. I love the opening sentence. It made me have to continue reading. I loved the story but would love to hear more about what happened, but cliff hangers always make a story more memorable. It was a very sticky story.

  3. You have a great start to the story that really drew me in. Then you kept the energy though the entire story, and then you ended with a cliff hanger that just left me wondering, "How would it have gone differently?" Over all this was really well done.
