Monday, September 17, 2018

Word Picture

Word Picture

I was anxiously waiting for the judge to raise the little green flag to signal that they were ready for me to start my routine. I looked around the high school gym, taking in everything. The loud cheers for my teammate who had just finished an amazing floor routine. My mom sitting in the stands with tears in her eyes and a nervous smile on her face. My friends’ dad with his big black camera pointed right at me. I waved and laughed as he and his wife gave me a big thumbs up. I scanned the stands for my two best friends, who were on a rival team, but had been on this chaotic journey through gymnastics with me since we were 5 years old. When I finally found them, a calmness came upon me because I knew that they were going to be there, like they had always been, for one of the biggest moments of my life. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, because I was the only person left to finish out the competition. All of the other gymnasts had completed their final event, except for me. Finally, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the green flag waving back and forth. I raised both of my arms in the air to salute the judge, and walk confidently out onto the blue floor. I inhaled deeply as I took the same position I’d taken hundreds of times before. “This is it,” I whispered to myself.


  1. Great post! One of my best friends is a gymnast and I used to love going to her meets! The floor routine was always my favorite to watch so I loved how you described yourself waiting to step onto the mat. I thought you explained your thoughts in the moments before the judges waved the flag really well. It must have been really nerve-racking but you seemed to have total confidence which is awesome!

  2. This was a very good descriptive writing about what must have been one of the more nervous times in your life. I could really visualize what was going on. I played basketball in high school and can relate to being very nervous before a big game and seeing my parents in the crowd.

  3. This is a super good description of such a short period of time! I played basketball so I can relate to having everyone's eyes on you. Seeing people you know in the crowd can be both nerve wracking and calming at the same time. When people I knew were there it always made me work harder and want to do better.
