Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Race Against Time

           The gun went off. I started running. Everything around me came to life. The booming voices of spectators seemed to march straight into my ears. I quickly made my way to the front in time to reach the first turn. The beginning was crucial in determining the final outcome- you either stayed in the lead or were swallowed up by the sea of cross-country runners behind you.
            Feet pounded down on the wet, freshly mowed grass behind me. The cool air of a Saturday morning wisped my hair back and forth across my face. My legs were burning as I shortened my strides to accelerate up the hill, digging my spikes into the dew-covered ground. With my lungs beating like drums, I slowly broke away from the pack, putting me in first.
“Looking strong! 6:15!” My dad shouted out as I flew past him.
Not paying close attention to the split my dad called out, I ran the rest of the course with minimal thinking as I knew this course like the back of my hand. Each stride led me closer to the finish line and closer to ending my last conference race. With the finish line in sight, I knew this would determine if I would be able to run at sectionals and state. Sprinting, I turned down the final stretch of the race and flew by the roaring crowd. Crossing the line, I knew it would be hard for my coach not to put me on varsity now.


  1. In the first paragraph, I really liked how you slowly introduced the activity of cross country running by first stating the actions such as the "gun went off" and "started running". It makes the readers curious and want to know that happened next.

  2. The adjectives in this story were fantastic. It made me feel the times that I have been running and winded, although I am way slower than this. The senses were catered to in the story especially with freshly cut grass.
