Sunday, December 2, 2018

Excerpt from Movie Review

 The Wes Anderson film Moonrise Kingdom opens during a thunderstorm, in an idyllic summer home in Massachusetts. The warm, faded interior of the home illuminated by yellow light provides an immediate contrast to the weather outdoors, intensified by an orchestral soundtrack. These opening elements continue throughout the movie: the stormy weather comes back in the climax, a stunning set is consistent, and the opening music is as dramatic as the story itself.  The storyline of Moonrise Kingdom may be easy to criticize, but the whimsical nature of the film, the beautiful scenery, and its dark, ironic humor make it an endearing one.
The audience is first introduced to one of the movie’s two protagonists, Suzy (Kara Hayward), a resident of the summer home. She’s somewhat of a dark young girl with an intense stare and an unsmiling face. During the film, we come to know she is considered “extremely troubled” by her parents and disliked by peers. This parallels our other hero, Sam (Jared Gilman), an orphan staying at Camp Ivanhoe on the same island as Suzy. Just like her, he has a troubled past and no friends. This is where their stories intersect, after meeting at a church play. They correspond through letters, lamenting how out of place they both are, and plan an escape from their prospective lives into the woods together.
As with other Wes Anderson films, the setting is the highlight of the movie. Each set is intricately designed and decorated. Suzy’s home, the camp, and even the local church seem whimsical and idyllic. Much of the movie takes place in the outdoors, the product being fantastic shots of coastal woodland. The resulting scenery is both aesthetically pleasing and nostalgic, with the props and costumes fitting of 1965, the year in which Moonrise Kingdom takes place. The strategic filming adds to the magic of Suzy and Sam’s story; it feels like anything is possible in this eccentric little world.


  1. The way you write could make anyone want to watch a boring movie! Wow! I love how much effort you put into describing various scenes... it really makes me want to at least look up the trailer for this movie.

  2. This was a great review! I love your descriptions of the setting and the thunderstorm and music in the first paragraph. It grabbed my attention right away, and I was excited to read more. You continue to hold my attention through the rest of the review with your great descriptions and word choice.

  3. Your review of Moonrise Kingdom was extremely detailed and because of your review it made me want to watch Moonrise Kingdom sometime soon. Your use of specific scenes and how they looked and made you feel, made me feel as if I had just watched the movie myself.

  4. This review was super captivating and it made me want to watch this movie! The first paragraph was really descriptive and written very well. I think enough of the plot was mentioned without giving too much away.

  5. This review was very interesting to read. I haven't seen the movie, but the way you described it definitely made me want to watch. You used really descriptive words and seemed to capture the art of the movie well.

  6. I also reviewed a Wes Anderson film, Isle of Dogs. I thought it was interesting that you pointed out the setting of the film. Even though Isle of Dogs is animated, it also had some spectacular settings and animations that gave very particular moods. I feel like Wes Anderson is one of those directors that you can tell from just watching a small section of one of his films.

  7. I enjoyed reading your review, especially the vivid parts where you described the "warm, faded interior of the home illuminated by yellow light." The word choice for the verbs fit in well for the descriptions. I haven't seen this film, but your short summary gave me insight of what the movie was about. nice

  8. Ive never seen Moonrise Kingdom but now I think I should! Because you mentioned the sets I am very intrigued to see what is so amazing. I feel have having good sets and visuals makes a movie so much better and easy to get lost in.
